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Pn 295 Recycler

H`erkow Fertility Robes

Chai Stone H`erkow Display
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An update to my prior Relay about a month or 2 ago of my alienware banner missing. They've sent me an email saying they refunded the points and would send another request of it being resent. Still havent received anything :(
Sent another support email regarding my missing alienware banner i haven't received since 2019. Hopefully they get back to me soon, wish me luck
That feeling when you get a game from the game vault at full priced arp just for them to reduce the price 2 hours later. On top of that i still never received my banner from 4 years ago that i got as a reward. This site sure is something :^)
Still no alienware banner after 4 years now. Admin said they would take care of it couple months ago but still nothing :^)
Year 4, Still haven't received my Alienware Banner. Email was Disregarded the third time....

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