Feel like these posts should have spoiler warnings. The game I picked is Hollow Knight.
* Spoilers Ahead for Hollow Knight*
Nightmare King Grimm.
One of the first bosses to really annoy me in this game. Spent ages figuring this guy out. To beat him, you need to learn his patterns. Also, he's quite random in the attacks he chooses; therefore, you need to learn to read his telegraphs. Tough, but doable.

Mods, seriously consider removing the 5 ARP "win" option from the bonus game. Putting in all that time and effort (continued logins, scoring high, etc) for 5 ARP is disrespectful, & continued nerfs to ARP/DRP like these will get people to quit their site.
Alienware Arena generates money off of us. Several of the sites that estimate internet revenue clock that amount at around 1-2.5k U.S. Dollars per day. It shouldn't be hard, with that type of income, to make rewards a bit more worth our time and effort.
Encouragement post for mods/admins to express thanks for the survey reimbursement. While it's important to hold others accountable, I feel it's also equally valid to deliver praise when something is fixed properly. Keep this same energy going forward towards ARP errors & I'm sure the user-base will always feel appreciated