For people having issues getting this to work. Simply write a few paragraphs using a combination of letters, numbers and add a few !! and ?? to your nonsensical typing. Hitting return after each paragraph making sure to have at least one space between each is key here. No more than 3 small paragraphs should be enough.
Hit save and then refresh the browser on your profile picture in the top right hand corner to check if it worked and the arp should now be added. GL.
General rule of thumb on this website, always hit refresh browser page after you complete any action to do with arp..
UPDATE: Paste a wall of text(Lorem Ipsum) and then save. It should work. I was lucky
UPDATE: it wasn't luck. The specific section may work/be bugged, or not, based on your account; so the quest might be bugged on your account and it's impossible to complete it.
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