AWA Artifacts

Weekend Madness!

It's the weekend. Which means these are harder. Of course, after saying that, I'm positive they will be solved in 5 minutes. Good luck! 

Artifact Recap: To earn that precious ARP, use the clues below to find the correct URL or action. Visiting that URL or completing the action will award you with points. If you're stuck, the community usually has a solving topic up in the off-topic section. These will be hard for some of you. 



A thing given to someone in recognition of one's service, effort, or achievement.






You know the drill. This is the wrong URL:

  • A = March Madness, Final _____
  • B = The same amount of letters as the number they spell
  • C = ancient elements
  • D = Satipatthana domains
  • E = Square Sides
  • F = Time to solve?

