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Doing the impossible for the ungrateful, frequently.

Support the Community Team Fortress Event - we have 5 days left (until 23rd Sept), but progress has slowed, we need 10,000 more play hours to get the Artifact (if you have it already, what will Alienware give us instead?). So come on people, we can do this.
dreZmoL - 09.18.2024 15:10:38
50ARP as far as I understand. 👽
sceptical1960 - 09.18.2024 15:34:43
They went all out. :(
Fruit Punch Samurai - 09.18.2024 16:08:17
Isn't this the first event requiring 80,000 hours? Failing might convince the staff to stop raising the bar. 😩
dreZmoL - 09.18.2024 17:01:26
In two days it will be completed. 😎👌
MalusNox - 09.18.2024 19:12:59
rate we've been going still plenty of time, but true it's going to be a lot closer than previous events...
xXGustavooGameXx - 09.18.2024 20:47:18
Community How obtain hour. Playing.
Vulcan111 - 09.19.2024 08:36:19
I totally forgot this, thanks for the reminder!
MosesC - 09.20.2024 02:19:46
In case of emergency, just leave the game on overnight in the menu screen.
AIlike - 09.20.2024 16:19:58
I've contributed 138 hours of the game running idle, so yeah, I'd say the bar for this event is a bit high.
easyrhino - 09.20.2024 16:25:17