Sorry folks, all 3 copies of Killing Floor 3 and Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza were gone in 1.25 seconds.
vadimklose - 03.21.2025 20:06:28
And as always to bots.
orangeblu7 - 03.21.2025 20:09:04
It could be so simple, just slap a captcha between the claim button.
Exacustodian - 03.21.2025 20:10:03
00:25 maybe less i can confirm i got mine on 00:25
orangeblu7 - 03.21.2025 20:12:24
Only got ArcRunner, the claim popups on KF3 and Yakuza didn't respond on my end.
CarlosRuisu - 03.21.2025 20:31:00
only 3! for all comunity?
jbainbridge - 03.21.2025 21:18:39
I stuck to focusing on the Hotline Miami combo and I got it!
DAMNEMESIS - 03.23.2025 01:07:06
Daimao666 - 03.23.2025 13:41:26
I was one of those "bots", it's just a matter of being quick and lucky. There's thousands of people trying to get a key. Ofcourse a lot of the people won't have a game...