Please add more Hives Twitch streamers because with the few available it's really too long. :(
Hello, since one month the only hive available when I want to complete quickly the Twitch quest is EllyEn but she is censored I cannot see it's Stream (I'm more than 21 years old).
Before I was able to watch her but since one month I cannot.
The other available hive for me is MattewSantoro but he does not display the Alienware plugin so points do not increase .
Please add more Hives Twitch streamers because with the few available it's really too long. :(
Please add more Hives Twitch streamers because with the few available it's really too long. :(
/ 240
11.18.2024 10:02:49 -
Tmmimitw -
can't you just click on the i agree button and watch the stream?
11.18.2024 10:34:33 -
@Tmmimitw : there is no "I agree" button, only a "go back to home page" button so impossible to watch the Stream
11.18.2024 12:58:25 -
Stlars -
She seems to stream quite a bit och gambling lately. Maybe it is forbidden in your region?
11.18.2024 14:38:04 -
BrandonUzumaki -
MattewSantoro is already using the new plugin, this one will apear on the side of the screen when you hover over it. At least it does for me.
11.18.2024 20:33:08 -
aVoidDrama -
@FLYeRNeT: check if you have blocked sexual content in your twitch settings. (in the tab on far right hand side)
11.20.2024 06:07:53 -
bigboss-62 -
@FLYeRNeT; Gambling contents (Les contenus de paris <du verbe parier :) > dans la langue de Molière) are forbidden in France region. (I encounter the same issue in France)