The current method of first come first serve seems somewhat unfair especially when there's nothing stopping people from running scripts or having other basic advantages like using a faster internet service. So why not have a way which doesn't let the fastest people win and instead gives an equal opportunity to every participant?
LeNoob7 - 08.23.2024 21:11:41
Why is it not possible to have a lottery system where members are able to buy a ticket for the game that they'd like to get from the vault? There could be a last cut off date before which the entrants need to buy an entry ticket.
LeNoob7 - 08.23.2024 21:13:18
This ticket would be worth the ARP of the game they want. Vault opening time then becomes the lottery start time and the winners are chosen randomly and notified.
LeNoob7 - 08.23.2024 21:14:53
The people who didn't win get their ARP refunded. If there's a game that didn't get enough entries then it can use the existing system of being claimable once the lottery is done.
LeNoob7 - 08.23.2024 21:16:11
Just an alternative approach. Other members would definitely have better suggestions for a more fair system than the current one of being the quickest.
LeNoob7 - 08.23.2024 21:21:48
If the team wants that everyone shouldn't apply for the same game then we could have some ARP as an entry fee which will not be refunded even if the participant doesn't win. This may nudge people to try entering for less popular games.
Uncle77 - 08.23.2024 21:25:22
It is nearly impossible for AA toi run a lottery system, as in may countries they have get government bodies permissions for every lottery they run. This is true for every state in Australia (where I'm from).
2auh3a4h - 08.23.2024 21:47:22
You want the entire system to change because you're too slow? Really?
darkpanther1 - 08.23.2024 21:47:25
Like you mentioned, the method you suggested might not be possible to apply everywhere, so a more realistic and less random approach could be more effective.
darkpanther1 - 08.23.2024 21:48:31
Honestly, no one is here to win games purely by chance. Increasing the number of keys and blocking bot accounts would be a fairer solution.
darkpanther1 - 08.23.2024 21:52:17
Since we're on the topic, I had to add a '1' to my nickname because it was already taken. I hope this doesn't result in my account getting banned.