What's the next artifact going to be?? Do we get a new one in 3 hours, or will it take more time for AWA to put a new one on the marketplace?
McMadman - 09.01.2024 00:46:34
Maybe Tuesday
Aradiel. - 09.01.2024 02:18:38
The only older one that hasn't been given away twice is the robes. That was given away free as a calendar claim last time, but didn't happen. So far nothing new in the market. Impossible to say for sure.
DrowningInIt - 09.01.2024 03:39:20
Did they say this would be the way it would be handled going forward and i just missed that? Seeing someone Galactic tier asking makes me think that's the case, but i thought we got very little forewarning and even less info about the arti.
Punished_Pyle - 09.01.2024 13:29:08
The Orion Vicissitude Generator: activate to have Cartire personally show up in Discord chat and ping you with a pithy comment. Also randomly adds 0.2+/- ARP., but only once every solar maximum. Or was it solar minimum? I forget.
CocodaMonkey - 09.01.2024 16:22:15
Does anyone know why the Pn 295 Unstable Battery is shown as for sale on the market place but doesn't allow you to buy it? Also if someone upgrades the Pn 295 Unstable Battery does it become the stable version or is that a different item?
DrowningInIt - 09.01.2024 19:03:20
@Punished_Pyle lmao, i can't believe i just saw someone use the term pithy, that's incredible.
Punished_Pyle - 09.02.2024 00:12:19
@DrowningInIt It's a perfectly cromulent word!
Fruit Punch Samurai - 09.03.2024 17:07:02
Same as Aradiel. My guess is that H`erkow Fertility Robes shows up as a reward in the advent calendar for October.