

🎮Game Vault #Aug01

𝟤𝟧𝟢𝟢 ➡️ 𝟤𝟫𝟢𝟢|Dungeons of Hinterberg
𝟣𝟩𝟢𝟢 ➡️ 𝟣𝟧𝟢𝟢|Apex Legends - 1k Coins
0 / 240
08.01.2024 23:51:46 - MiguelAngelOA -
I told people to avoid showing interest on Dungeons of Hinterberg. Now there will be a higher price and a lower stock. Good job everybody 🤓
08.02.2024 00:06:21 - Thalatash -
@MiguelAngelOA Well, maybe the higher cost will buy us a few seconds after the Vault opens so we can actually buy it, lol. Thank you for the update, Megumin.
08.02.2024 00:24:47 - XCLOO -
hey, i want your skin on avatar of Huntress T__T howe i would get one?
08.02.2024 02:54:17 - Stygiansilence -
Why the increase?
08.02.2024 11:47:01 - ❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ -
@MiguelAngelOA @Stygiansilence Guess even AWA noticed how highly anticipated are people with this game (One of the factors to decide ARP Cost of Game Vault) so probably lower stock + popularity ➡️ Price increase
08.02.2024 21:49:32 - vicmac -
@XCLOO it was a reward in an old steam event.. as well as skull merchant skin. some other parts of skin are in the marketplace but not the huntress mask unfortunately