Has anybody received the Grim Harvester Code from the ESO Steam Event? I did all the milestones and never got the code :(
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09.02.2024 21:50:05 - McMadman -
control panel my rewards
09.03.2024 00:30:35 - bmurray75 -
I never got anything. I emailed screenshots of my Steam game time. They emailed me back only to say to logout/login. The event still shows 0 hours.
09.03.2024 04:59:54 - DrowningInIt -
It's sitting in my rewards, when I click on it, pops up with a lil window that displays the code in its entirety, as well as having a handy lil copy icon to interact with instead of Ctrl+C'n
09.03.2024 16:55:09 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
Yes. You can try asking AWA for help on Discord.
09.03.2024 17:35:58 - Bery0815 -
Thanks @ all, found the code in the "my rewards" section :)