Game Vault Sale started! Got myself Inspector Schmidt - A Bavarian Tale
As you can see, the "Confirm" button is greyed out, but the key was not delivered. Is there anything to say?
Thank you for the ESO Gold Road key!
Got 40 ARP in the minigame, but it wasn't added to total ARP. Not in the logs either. Could it be the famous delay? All the other ARP are in place for today.
I get the message "Firefox Can’t Open This Page. To protect your security, will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window." when I'm trying to do today's quest Word Fury. So I can't get any further.
Again, the daily quest is broken - got me only 5 ARP. Although, after I finished it, it said I got 7 ARP. WTG... not.
I just finished the matching minigame (at 13:10 UTC) and I got only 5 ARP. Was the reward lowered starting today?