Lush 3D platformer Skylar & Plux to release next month

  • 249

When talking about 3D platformers in 2017, it's important to make some kind of prediction re: whether 3D platformers are "coming back". Will they come back? Can they come back? Well, I don't know, but many are banking on the imminent release of Yooka-Laylee to prove one way or another. 

There's another 3D platformer coming soon as well: Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover island looks a bit more Ratchet & Clank than it does Banjo-Kazooie, but the basic ingredients of jumping and collecting appear intact. There's an island level, a volcano level, a snowy level and of course, a desert level. Ah, familiarity! Will you never get old?

"Go on an action-packed adventure, collect gadgets helping you explore a beautiful paradise and save it from destruction," the Steam blurb reads. "It’s up to Skylar Lynxe, our nimble and courageous heroine, and Plux Owlsley, the trusty sidekick, to prevent the villainous CRT from conquering their newfound home and turning it into a wasteland."

Skylar & Plus releases May 19. Here's a trailer announcing that, ladled with generous servings of gameplay footage.

Replies • 21


Crash bandicut anyone? Well game looks entertaining enough to me.

The cake is a lie

Looks interesting, but I just can't convince to it. Gonna wait for some gameplays.


It looks a bit..empty and sterile.. don't know how to describe it exactly.... hope they ad a little eye candy til lthe release

All your base are belong to us.

Still waiting for new Sonic. But can try this one (when bundled/discounted during Steam sale).

Not really into 3D platformers games but theres been quite a few lately and if one of them can get it right, I might just play it.  Loved 2d platformers when i was a kid.