Star Trek Online - Dhailkhina - Nearly 1.2 Million DPS on ISE with Torpedos (1,194.37K)

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My first Dhailkhina ISE run with my loyal crew and also right away my first million with torps \o/ But overall an average run. Did many mistakes: Too early usage of abilities or forgetting them completely and more. Still need to learn how to fly torps properly. Hopefully next Saturday with our complete team after I overhaul my skill bars SCM - Infected [LR] (S) - [02:25] DMG(DPS) - @hansihusten1: 173.18M(1,194.37K) @FloQo: 26.88M(185.48K) @Tarson83: 10.77M(74.25K) @galaxyhacker: 7.69M(53.42K) CLR—Inf
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