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Dungeons of Hinterberg gone instantly from the game vault :( was on the second too
T4H5iN - 08.23.2024 16:04:26
yep man. Gone within one refresh
Gagnef - 08.23.2024 16:05:11
i wonder if bots got them all :(
snow0815 - 08.23.2024 16:05:28
Yes it's a joke, that's why you don't make keys t1 or t2, especially if you only have 3 or so keys.
Ilaem - 08.23.2024 16:05:29
in fact I wanted a copy... not even 2 seconds and -"the product is no longer available"... but how did 2 seconds pass!?!-
TwixClub - 08.23.2024 16:06:24
It's a scam sadly. :/
iGnome - 08.23.2024 16:08:45
Can't even post a new relay due to stupid error saying i didnt selected a topic tag. Anyway, the Vault NEEDS A FREAKING CAPTCHA. The joke has run long enough.
RaPtUrA - 08.23.2024 16:16:37
I refreshed exactly at 16 UTC and got mine even when it took like a second or two to load the page and I got a key for the game...and I'm not a bot as far as I know.
iGnome - 08.23.2024 16:23:08
Luck is a thing. Fairness is something that can be fixed. So is circumventing the system, it should be bannable if detected, through a randomized salt passed along the validation button.
Thalatash - 08.24.2024 00:38:44
@RaPtUrA I got Gori and I am a fellow human, too. I was about to wait because so many people were saying how crap the vault was when it was first revealed, lol. Monday's my birthday, so maybe AWA was feeling nice, boop beep, I mean ha ha.
noslegna26 - 08.24.2024 04:29:30
i refresh 1 sec before the time but after refreshing it was bug for me confirm was missing and after i refresh again it appeared but when i click it says its out of stock in less than 25 seconds