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YEAH, BABY! Yeah! I love you AWA 😍🙈
cebolletagames - 11.22.2024 23:18:40
Looks like you're claiming every shit on the site XD
King Luiso - 11.22.2024 23:22:10
@cebolletagames No, no. Claming the greatest video games since 2015 😇.
Pett013 - 11.22.2024 23:42:09
Deluxe Edition?
GetKraven - 11.23.2024 12:48:01
Yoooo! I'm happy for you, PC2 is what I wanted!
King Luiso - 11.23.2024 18:19:02
@Pett013 Hey, man. Sorry for reply late. The game is only the standard edition. I will share a screenshot later. Hop this helped you!
King Luiso - 11.23.2024 18:21:15
@GetKraven! Thanks, mate! Last month, I was not a good luck, but this time yes. Hope you can get something awesome next month.