3000 DRP by the end of the week! What do you think we’ll get next week for intel days??
0 / 240
08.29.2024 18:43:34 - krishtian -
It'll be 3 weeks by 30$
08.30.2024 03:18:54 - Thalatash -
I hope we keep getting DRP until the end of Intel Days. Between those and the DRP I have been saving, I think I can afford a new laptop. Still won't be top of the line, but it'll be an improvement over what I'm using now.
08.31.2024 19:24:51 - CitizenXLVIII -
Hopefully more DRP.
09.02.2024 02:57:20 - DrowningInIt -
Wait you mean ur total is 3k or the week ends up amounting to that? I'm sittin at like 14k rn so if its another 3 id shit. lmao, and no i am not going to take a moment to calculate it to figure out what u meant sorry, lazy and useless i am.