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Big Boss

I´m glad I got the Hotline Miami Collection pack but, for anyone interested, it´s not the collection pack advertised on Steam that contains the soundtracks as well. Only the two games here. A misleading pity.
StompsDaWombat - 03.21.2025 20:09:55
I was actually surprised that one sold out as quickly as it did. Yakuza and Killing Floor III were guaranteed to be gone instantly, but I expected Hotline Miami to be available for at least a few hours, if not days.
atfixteam - 03.21.2025 20:12:14
As the title suggests, it's "Hotline Miami 1 & 2 Combo Pack":
atfixteam - 03.21.2025 20:20:47
@StompsDaWombat This is due to the price – only 1400 ARP (even less with artifacts) for two good games. Of course, all the keys were sold out immediately.
Thalatash - 03.21.2025 20:50:31
I almost got that one, too. I thought it was the one with the soundtracks as well. I don't care about the music DLCs, but I would've been disappointed if I didn't get them either.
jbainbridge - 03.21.2025 21:19:57
I got the HM combo as well, congrats to us!
alienado51 - 03.22.2025 10:51:04
@atfixteam yes, the title suggests that but the image shown is that one of HM Collection. It was a bit misleading.
atfixteam - 03.22.2025 17:39:07
@alienado51 I guess they couldn't find the right cover since the "Hotline Miami 1 & 2 Combo Pack" is no longer sold. That's why it's always important to read the title and description and not just look at the cover.