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I think it would be wonderful if AWA would add a built in translator for Forum and Relay Posts.
Just a little wishful thinking on my part.
Pylawn - 03.03.2024 21:02:50
There is a way to translate them! Bottom right corner where it should say “English” select the language you want the posts to appear as.
Pylawn - 03.03.2024 21:03:31
Only issue currently is it won’t translate other languages to English.
TurdFerguson87 - 03.03.2024 21:07:47
Why? There are add ons for that. Some browsers have them built-in.
StarMaker - 03.03.2024 21:13:40
TurdFerguson87 - Did you see the part of my post where I said: "Just a little wishful thinking on my part."?
StarMaker - 03.03.2024 21:17:58
TurdFerguson87 It is already set to English. It will not translate Posts that are writen in Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, etc., but thanks anyway.
TurdFerguson87 - 03.04.2024 01:00:42
Again, there are already add ons for translating.
Slayer3k - 03.04.2024 01:44:12
- StarMaker - As I remember, any site can't translate posts. It's shown in original. Only interface translated. Chrome can translate all page to specific language. You must use external translator for posts.
Anderobelo - 03.04.2024 05:03:15
Yes ia agree
StarMaker - 03.04.2024 09:40:13
TurdFerguson87 - Again, "Just a little wishful thinking on my part." But thanks for your consistant unnecessary comment. We can always count on your negativity. Bravo.
TurdFerguson87 - 03.04.2024 10:37:51
Slayer3k - Your comment could be translated into other languages. I can't necessarily tell which language you're originally using. StarMaker - it's not an uneccesary comment. It's a solution I've used for years. It wasn't negativity.