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Ain't that a Kick in the Head.

Steam quest, last week i couldnt do Team fortress 2, now it isnt letting me start warframe... and bruh i have hundrends of hours in warframe.... is this a bug or can someone help me with this? Cause if not ill lose 50 ARP due to a bug...
b4bylon - 02.26.2024 21:44:50
same here
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 02.27.2024 04:17:21
Tried any solution on the AWA Unofficial FAQ?
dwolvin - 02.27.2024 05:43:28
I couldn't before, but it's letting me now, if it's not working unlink steam and relink.
NightLizard - 02.27.2024 16:08:26
i did dwolvin and it worked, will do this next imes . Japanese coffee i tried some and they posted here my doubts, unlink steam fixed it