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1 second after the vault opened and NMS keys is gone
Fistfulofsteel - 03.22.2024 23:02:25
Manfred Von Richtofen - 03.22.2024 23:03:07
There's still bots in here
Gogo125 - 03.22.2024 23:03:39
same as last month
stealthyjun - 03.22.2024 23:04:11
i got pacific drive, game looks dope.
Appa_CFL - 03.22.2024 23:05:19
i got a key
alterax - 03.22.2024 23:09:46
|\ J'accuse!
BrandonUzumaki - 03.22.2024 23:22:24
Yep, F5, page loaded without any problems, i clicked claim and already gone, not even 5 seconds in, man, that was probably 10 keys total lol.
2auh3a4h - 03.23.2024 01:32:10
mfw when other people want the same game as me but they're faster
Sion89 - 03.23.2024 06:41:07
scripts o_O
Windu007 - 03.23.2024 11:31:18
few seconds after the start the keys for no man´s sky were gone...a bad joke