100%-ed the Alienware Arena Member Survey 2024, but in the Control Center the status stays "Incomplete" and nop ARP added in "My ARP Progress".....
mterme - 11.08.2024 18:23:45
Logged out and in again; status still "Incomplete". Took the survey again, status is now "Complete"...
Andy_rennie - 11.08.2024 18:30:17
Try to refresh the page and it could appear as "completed" (at least that is how it always works for me).
TurdFerguson87 - 11.08.2024 18:31:36
For me, I did the survey twice, and it never registered as completed (even when logged off and on again)
titomalkavian - 11.08.2024 19:42:30
It's a known issue. If you're using desktop, normal left button clicking does the job and the task instantly completes. But opening it via right or middle buttons won't work, no matter how many times you finish the survey.
HunterDigi - 11.08.2024 19:57:33
Ah thanks titomalkavian!
chal8 - 11.08.2024 21:57:58
@titomalkavian OMG i didn't believe you at first as it sounded too dumb to be true. but it worked! :O THANK YOU!!
TurdFerguson87 - 11.09.2024 00:37:53
Well, that's just foolish
ALL_YOUR_BASE - 11.09.2024 01:49:12
@titomalkavian THANK YOU! The left click thing was totally it. I always middle click things for new tabs so that's what made it not work for me the first time.
titomalkavian - 11.09.2024 05:15:47
@HunterDigi @chal8 @TurdFerguson87 @ALL_YOUR_BASE - Glad to help so you all can help other users in the future since someone often has similar issues. Cheers, everyone! =DDD