So they do announce you need 5000+ score (edit: to have the chance) to win the max DRP prize on the spore hunter space game. But they do not announce the score needed to win the max prize on the axe game or the gorilla game or fruit ninja? Does anybody know what the scores are that are needed on gorilla game, fruit ninja or axe game to win the max dell rewards prize? If you dont know the actual number required but have won the max prize on those games before please let us know your score. Thanks
T4bletopG4mes - 08.02.2024 02:49:44
*to have the chance to get the max reward
T4bletopG4mes - 08.02.2024 02:51:05
Also could be that the rest are 100% random
Ojomrog - 08.02.2024 03:08:20
Axe game says beat 2nd boss or something i believe
Tmmimitw - 08.02.2024 09:45:33
doesnt matter much, you'll still get 5 points, they should make it tiered at least, 5k for a chance at max, 6k for 10 minimum 8k for 20 minimum or whatever number they come up with. doesnt even have to go to 40, but at least 15~20.
MalusNox - 08.02.2024 11:31:46
Don't know about fruit ninja but I seem to recall reading in the past for Axe you need to beat the first boss level, for gorilla it was a score about 50.
blalilulelo - 08.03.2024 04:25:06
I remember having gotten max reward on gorilla one barely like 6 seconds from starting cause I misclicked. That one just seems entirely random.