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šŸ‘½ Please do not rush finishing your "Choose your own game" Steam Quest for next week.
Wait till "The Finals" event starts and then finish up your Steam Quest.
Kill two birds with one stone and make everyone's life easier in reaching that 50k outrageous milestone faster.
PS Enter an event before it starts, if you can't do so now, do yourself a favor and play a game for a bit, refresh and join an event. Have fun!
LeNoob7 - 02.18.2024 16:18:31
I knew that there'd be a huge number of hours put up since the last event was completed several days early. We should try to time the milestones close to the end otherwise these hours will keep on increasing just like a real job lol.
angel1721 - 02.18.2024 16:55:08
And this is work? Because if you start 1 quest, game is lanch.
jā€‹k - 02.19.2024 05:06:47
I just set the custom game quest to the F2P game every week ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
Fruit Punch Samurai - 02.19.2024 18:17:39
@jk, Yeah, this is why I'm confused about this request. šŸ˜• Maybe I'm missing some point.
Fruit Punch Samurai - 02.19.2024 18:19:31
Don't members already *"Kill 2 birds with 1 stone"* by using one of the other Steam Quest games for their **Choose Your Own Game**? Using up this method on a Steam Event means you can't use it for your Steam Quests. So, nothing to gain? šŸ¤”
krishtian - 02.21.2024 00:23:11
@Fruit Punch SamuraiI, @jk what do you mean you can't? You choose The Finals as your Steam Quest and bring hours into the event as well.
AySz88 - 02.22.2024 18:48:10
Even if it wasn't more than what you'd habitually get anyway, I think it acted as a good reminder that this event was starting