im at a crossroads, build my 1st pc and save 600 bucks plus i will use a 9800x3d in the build versus going with a new alienware pc with warranty and support ect. your thoughts please guys
krishtian - 01.23.2025 01:35:33
9800x3d all the way in
Girlninja - 01.23.2025 06:39:32
build own warranty/support only good 1 year
asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf123412341234 - 01.23.2025 09:59:14
doing your own build is better
MARSM4N - 01.23.2025 13:49:15
Whatever gives you the best bang for the buck. No matter which X3D chip, they all eat Intel's for breakfast. Sad thing is now AMD is really starting to milk the market, 9800X3D prices are just nuts. Maybe opt for the 7600X3D (if available).
MARSM4N - 01.23.2025 13:58:54
But you should know what you're doing or know someone who's building for you. Otherwise it could get pretty "expensive" and a prebuild might turn out to be the better option. Do your research first.
easyrhino - 01.23.2025 17:28:33
dude. 600 bucks. i've done worse for less.
Zero3ffect - 01.23.2025 19:35:32
Build your own. Always going to be cheaper and you have more control over what brands and parts are used. Sorry Dell/Alienware :)
Dimms - 01.24.2025 04:55:59
If you know what you're doing or feel confident in your component choices, go for it. I've done systems both ways and they both have their pros and cons. At the very least, you'll learn from your mistakes.
hillberd - 01.24.2025 17:09:46
take the money you were going to use on a new computer and instead buy as many chocolate coins as you can with it. then hang out under the largest bridge in your area and throw those coins at people and vehicles passing by.
Nemen7 - 01.24.2025 17:40:54
only if you join me @hillberd