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Anyone else noticing Twitch time tracking being off today?
I'm watching a Hive partner and have been for at least an hour and 40 minutes (I think actually 2 hours or so), but it's showing 63 minutes minutes watched. I put on a timer earlier and at 15 minutes on the stopwatch, the tracker had only increased 10 minutes from the time it had shown before.
ARP is correct for the time it thinks I've been watching, but the time is off.
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If you own The Elder Scroll Online, ESO Plus is on a one week free trial right now.

This is a good opportunity to get crafting materials moved to the craft bag to free up inventory/bank space, dye costumes to stand out, play storylines and zones you don't normally have access to and get skillpoints, or unlock skill lines such as Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Antiquities Scrying.
The latest chapter, West Weald, isn't included, but tonnes of other content is available to enjoy. Details for the ESO Plus trial that's on now until the nineteent
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So you want a Beautiful Ocean View? Well, this one's to die for!
A nice picnic spot in The Elder Scrolls Online. I like to take my first dates here. It's quiet, the heat has them shedding clothing to cool off waggles eyebrows, and when this dude shows up, the ladies usually hold me tight for protection (always use protection!).
Haven't had a second date so far, but you know what they say: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
The right one will stick around... A Beautiful Ocean View To Die For, an Ocean on fire in Elder Scr
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So I'm on this website called AlienwareArena, and they gamified it with XP, and power ups, and have us running around doing quests for loot (so much loot... makes Homer Simpson donut drool noises), and while many of the Bosses here are Formidable, am I alone in thinking one stands out? Relay Challenge of screenshotting a Formidable Boss. AWA is a ga
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Friendly reminder, the St. Jude Balloons avatar item is available in the Marketplace for 1 ARP.
For each one sold to AWA members, Alienware is donating $1 to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
BlazeHaze on SteamGifts checked a few days ago, and this has led to over $2,500 being contributed so far.
If you haven't already grabbed it, please consider buying it now.
You can also donate (or purchase a game to donate) here: https://donate.tiltify.com/3a5e40b4-e65d-4fba-bac6-af19f1f33091/incentives St Jude Balloons avatar item available in the marketplace for 1
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This innocuous looking beast from

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)

is an Arctic Fox. I don't recall them being named, and unless you've played the game you might not understand why I chose this as my entry.
You have to control both to play, and the relationship between the girl, Nuna, and Fox makes deaths mean something in this game: you feel the anguish & sorrow when one reacts to the death of the other.
This endearing fox left me wishing I had a fox companion to adventure with.
[See comments] Arctic Fox and Nuna from Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
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Reminder: grab the

Clockwork City DLC for ESO for free July 2nd

as the daily login reward!
If you didn't get one of the thousands of copies given away on AWA, T4bletopG4mes mentioned you might own it from when Epic Games gave it away.
Not installed due to space? Use Nvidia Geforce Now, and your Steam or Epic Games account to run it and login.
The daily reset times depend on which server you play on, so check your appropriate time to see when you can login in and claim it. Elder Scrolls Online login reward for July 2nd is the Clockwork
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For anyone fortunate enough to get an Elder Scrolls Online key a while back when they gave away thousands upon thousands of them here,

ESO July Login Rewards

include the Clockwork City DLC on July 2nd.
Login that day to get it.
If I recall, their day resets at 2 AM EDT, so anytime after that you should be good to claim it.
(I can never tell if stuff like this should go in Game Talk or Deals and Freebies, but last time I posted in Game Talk and I don't think it found it's audience there.) July 2nd login reward is the Clockwork City DLC, and if you get
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Dead By Daylight Codes

Remember to get your weekly gift from the store (250K bloodpoints this week)
And login bonuses running the rest of June and into July.
(Credit to Southrobin and bzhknight on Steamgifts for the heads ups.) Daily login rewards list for event running June to the start of
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Elder Scrolls Online ESO Plus trial

is on right now for all those who own the game.
You have to initiate it, and then you can get the benefits until June 19th, 10 AM EDT.
They do this from time to time, and apparently you can participate every time they do it.
(Big thanks to YorgunOyuncu, who posted a heads up on AWA Discord.) ESO Plus free trial details. Too long to list here, sorry.
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Lol, been busy and I hadn't noted when the challenge was meant to end, so I prepped this only to come post it and find out that it's over and the winners chosen.
Still sharing anyway, cuz it's purdy.

Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive

Very relaxing game (except for when I drowned early in, not realizing I couldn't stray too far from the surface until I improved).
No, I'm not hunting the ray. Seeing the ray and a turtle happen by was always a highlight whilst fishing.
Congrats to the winners. Sting Ray happening by as I fish, and the sun's beams filter thr
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Helldivers 2 Community Event

I don't have the game myself, but apparently around 1000 of you do and not everyone has played their minimum hours yet. The event is currently underway: play the game, get the rewards! There's enough of you that you can get to the final milestone if everyone helps.
Team lifting required!

(Obligatory, "there'll be a Free to Play Community Event later this month for all peeps.")

Helldivers 2 Community Event. There's 1000 people who own it and
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Helldivers 2 Steam Community Event is currently running.

If you own it, and haven't already joined, join at the link below and you can help earn some ARP, and some AWA site cosmetics.
(There'll be a different game as a Free to Play event later this month with fragments for everyone to partake in, so don't worry if you don't own this game and can't participate in this event. AWA still loves you.)
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Dead By Daylight

And remember to pick up the weekly gift in the in-game store too.
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For Dead By Daylight Players

A change to the game engine, including some storefront changes, and a weekly gift in the store.
This week's gift seems to be

300,000 bloodpoints!

NOTE: the game engine update requires basically downloading the game again (10-33 GB, depending on the platform). Dead By Daylight now has weekly gifts, and this week's gift is 3
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The Elder Scrolls Online invested heavily in our community, giving away a tonne of keys and in-game goodies. Community support even after an event has met milestones may help convince possible future partners they'll get a good ROI, and could help AWA when they're negotiating events for us. Please consider picking ESO as your Choose Your Own Steam Quest and log some extra hours to thank them.
Starting on the 15th, ESO also lets you earn a DLC for free (more info in the comments about that) Details about a special event to earn a Thieves Guild DLC and mo
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I would just like to thank the peeps at ESO, and AWA for a) the huge amount of keys given away, b) having the event when the game is on sale for a very reasonable price, and c) having the event when the game is having a free to play week, ensuring as many community members as possible can participate.
Can't imagine how much work went into making that all happen (especially so close to the end of the Warframe event), and it's greatly appreciated. We're not worthy... Yet: gotta rise to the challenge and churn o
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Well, if you happen to have that much spare ARP laying around ...
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Me, with my first vehicle. I was a pretty good driver by then, but navigating in light years was new to me (you can only take rentals locally), so I wound up lost and way off base.
Luckily, some no-longer-hip hippies helped me hide the ride in plain sight until I was able to get it somewhere safe, and get settled here.
Wandered this planet for a longish time (Human-wise), and finally found my true brethren at AWA (more of us aliens here than you may realize).
Who says there's no place like home? Just a normal, average, definitely 100 percent human, standing b
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I didn't find the usual advent calendar anywhere, so I wasn't sure until today, but there's daily login rewards for a few more days for any Dead by Daylight players out there.
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Well, this is weird, the footer text is not mine.
I recall someone else having that as their footer, though.
Not sure how it wound up under my avatar.
Maybe when I edited that post to add an @?
Though, the person I @ ed doesn't have that as their footer text either.
The text seems apropos for this situation, though. Fix the bugs, please.
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Couple of things:
1. They listened to us and brought back the deals and freebies forum a while back (accessible from left side link on relays page if you scroll down), and I just noticed it's now possible to create new posts there (wasn't when they first brought it back).
2. DBD codes:
KONTROLFREEK - 50k Bloodpoints, unknown expiry
STEELSERIES2024 - 50k Bloodpoints, expires in less than 24 hours
Edit: @Only4War1988 mentioned another code: AMD - 50K Bloodpoints
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Game With a Fren!

I dunno, is it real, or just a cover story?
Either way, I strongly recommend gaming with a fren. Gamer has a cat that notices and swats at anomalies on screen th
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We're here for a good time, not a long time …