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Ain't that a Kick in the Head.

Well, too bad i lost a lot of tier 5 stuff. But finally i'm at this TIER! Now, the arp i've been saving it's gonna be well spent in the upcoming end of the year hopefully :)
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Ain't that a Kick in the Head.

New artifact, i have an issue, i bought the new artifact and put it into lvl 2. So it shows to me maximum arp per day is 7, but its been 5h and i didnt got more than 5 in the panel is the artifact bugged?...Cause if so, i wasted 1k arp and 4 fragments for nothing
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Ain't that a Kick in the Head.

Steam quest, last week i couldnt do Team fortress 2, now it isnt letting me start warframe... and bruh i have hundrends of hours in warframe.... is this a bug or can someone help me with this? Cause if not ill lose 50 ARP due to a bug...