On Steam for two euros is selling a videogame that can not even be launched

  • 1179

Annually on Steam there are over a thousand new video games, of which the majority is absolute garbage, or if we're going to be somewhat milder - amateur attempts to fit something that looks like a video game. Valve does not do much to protect its platform from bad games, and the best example for it is the title Shadow: Treachery.

Namely, a game officially released today, which is sold at a price of 1.99 euros, can not be launched. It is not that there is no configuration in the world that could launch it but after installing Shadow: Threachery you get - an empty folder!

Probably is an unintended mistake from the developer who is this obviously the first attempt to make video games then the problem will be corrected with time. However, the question remains whether Valve on Steam can allow sale of the game that can not even be played.

But who knows - maybe it's not a developer's mistake, but another in a series of scam moves. Because this game you can not rate negatively if you can't even launch it.

Tagged with: Controversy, Steam

Replies • 176


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Hopkinsville goblin

Yes crappy games are going through greenlight because devs are promising free keys for those who vote for their 2 hour work...

White end Night

If the game is worth $ 1 and there are cards in it, then this game automatically becomes a good one. Game cards have radically changed Steam.


More and more games are made for profit, not quality, collected on the knee for a short period of time.

It seems to me that this is just a misstep at the start, the game just came out today.


That's very sad. How does this stuff get past the people responsible for checking what they put on the store?


Es increíble que a estas alturas alguien se sorprenda de eso, en Steam hay juegos que nunca pasarán del 'early access', juegos basura a miles, otros con tantos bugs y errores que no se pueden poner... pues no hay nada de raro que vendan un juego que ni siquiera se puede poner.



There are many such games. Often they are given on different sites for free.