Come back and check this thread from time to time since as situations arise, it will be updated. Ignorance is not an excuse.
- Be respectful. Disagreeing is fine but calling someone names is not.
- Don't Spam. (this is sort of a given)
- Check the forums to see if someone has already posted the same topic - especially when it pertains to some kind of news or time sensitive information. If it's already posted, don't post again. Mods will just delete or nuke it.
- Post topics in the correct forums. If you want to make a suggestion, there is a suggestions forums. If you run across a bug, we have a bugs forum. Technical questions are better answered by those that hang out in the technical forum. Peripheral gear discussions belong in the gamer accessories forum. And so on...
- If you are giving away a game key, post it in the giveaways forum (and make sure you familiarize yourself with the rules for the forum)
- OR and VS threads will be deleted or nuked on sight. Don't post them. (example: which is better ___ or ____? or ___ vs ____ which is your favorite?)
- Necroing old threads (even your own) is generally frowned upon and necroed threads will be locked and/or deleted.
- No Begging (for money, ARP, upvotes or anything else)
- Posts containing referral links are only allowed if you also include non-referral links to the same service with clarification which is which