Steam and Uplay are both getting fined in France for bad refund policies

  • 1293


Both storefronts now show a warning about their non-compliance, and both companies have to pay a fine as a result. Ubisoft will have to pay €180,000, while Valve will have to pay €147,000.

Neither fine will hit especially hard for the respective companies, though it highlights how digital return policies are falling short according to consumer laws around the world. In the most basic terms, Valve and Ubisoft have been cited for failing to offer refunds in line with what’s required by French law, and failing to adequately inform consumers that their rights to such refunds are being denied.

According to article L221-18 of the French Consumer Code, consumers have 14 days to exercise the right of withdrawal – essentially, sellers have to offer buyers a two-week refund period. Neither citation is specific about how the policy is being violated, but Uplay offers no refunds on digital sales. Steam meets the 14-day right of withdrawal period, but you can’t refund a game if you’ve played it for more than two hours. This is likely what’s causing issues.


In theory, Uplay and Steam are free to violate that right of withdrawal provision, but as noted in article L221-5, consumers have to be expressly informed that they’re being denied those rights.

What’s that mean for you? If you’re in France, it means you’re now getting a warning on the affected stores showing the citation, as captured by NoFrag. In the future, it likely means you’re getting some new wording in the terms of service or a new warning at the point of purchase that you’re not getting all the refund options you could be.

Replies • 20

This is nothing new for Valve or Uplay. It's all just a game of words. They'll never out and out comply with laws, rules and regulations. They're not focused on complying with local laws but rather finding new ways to bypass them with legal loopholes.

Still pretty human
BlazerKnight said:

This is nothing new for Valve or Uplay. It's all just a game of words. They'll never out and out comply with laws, rules and regulations. They're not focused on complying with local laws but rather finding new ways to bypass them with legal loopholes.

you're probably right...

a shame for a frensh company even if the most is done in canada.

Linkswitch said:

But the 2 hours mark for steam kinda makes sense, I'd say

makes only sence if the game is not broken and bugged and you need already 2h to fix all the settings.



Hmm hopefully they improve their policies. Would be nice to see other parts also take a good stand and to see the industry improve as a whole due to the requisite chanes.

I have refunded couple of gams from steam and they helped easily actually

Still pretty human
uaedragon sagte:

I have refunded couple of gams from steam and they helped easily actually


Thats not the point of criticism here

It might take a lot more to do this but the 2 hour limit should be for games with shorter life expectancies. Like a game that boasts 40+ hours of content should give a 5-8 hour limit. While those short games can keep the 2 hour limit. Some games need at least 5 hours to see if it’s worth it or not. I know it’d take a lot more time to decide  which games get 2 hours and which get 5-8 max being able to refund it. 


The french law apparently actually isn't really fair for the companies though. In two weeks everyone could finish pretty much any game and refund, thereby effectively experiencing the whole damn steam library for free.
