Monster Hunter World SmartHunter Mod Introduces Useful Overlay
The Monster Hunter World Smarthunter adds a complete overlay for the game displaying information on monsters, party members and more.
SmartHunter – Overlay
A complete overlay for Monster Hunter: World on PC. Features include:
- Monster widget – name, health, parts, status effect buildup, and crown.
- Team widget – name and damage meters.
- Player widget – buff, debuff, and equipment/mantle timers.
- Open source – freely learn from and contribute to the project on github.
- Skinnable – create and distribute your own rich styles and animations with XAML.
- Easy localization – create and distribute your own translations for our international friends.
- Monster parts/status effect buildups only update properly for the host.
- Team damage does not work in expedition mode.
- Windows.
- The latest .NET Framework runtime.
- Game must be running in borderless or windowed.
More information on the Smarthunter mod can be found by going here.
Monster Hunter World is now available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in all regions. The game’s first big expansion, Iceborne, will be released later this year on all formats.