AMD Announces RX 5000 Series gaming graphics cards at Computex 2019

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As we all know NAVI is the new family of Radeon GPUs. NAVI is based on 7nm RDNA architecture (Radeon DNA). NAVI will be PCIe Express 4.0 compatible, has a new compute design, new cache-hierarchy and will be reducing latency, lower power. 1.25x perf per clock improvement and 1.5x better power consumption.

During the keynote speech AMD announced the and named the 7nm NAVI based graphics cards the Radeon RX 5000 series products. A card based on NAVI was shown in a live demo and compared against a GeForce RTX 2070 in a direct comparison with the Radeon RX 5700. Strange Brigade. The FPS looked about the same but was mentioned to be roughly 10% faster. AMD announces that NAVI will be launching in July. June 10th there will be a live stream with all details on products, specs and prices.

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