If you run across members whose names are colored green or orange, it is visual indicator that they are part of the Alienware Arena team.
To make it easy, here is a handy-dandy list of Forum Moderators. Be nice to them. It's not easy being green.
Memfisto | elpitaya | tanaphat | Starmada | adityadragoniyer |sakebreath | icklepeeker | eraserhead1003 | OrgWithaStick | MrRiddick | KnightWo1f
Cartire, lampy, Polly6789, Raptor4790, iJess and Finfy are administrators - hence the orange names instead of green. They are locked in cages and treated like slaves. (just kidding)
***As an aside you may also see golden colored forum names as well. They are not part of the AWA staff. They are members who have reached the ARP Rewards Master levels. For more info on Master levels visit this page or any of ARP FAQ posts.