Haven and Hearth prepares for a world reset on February 1

The current iteration of the world for Haven and Hearth is the 10th version of the game world, and it’s been running for quite some time. But this doesn’t mean that the game can’t get a reset, and on February 1st the 11th version will roll out to address a number of issues. Food imbalances and long-standing system buildup will both be addressed by the reset, as well as the simple fat that world resets are exciting and fun to experience.
For those of you who’ve forgotten about this particular title, it’s a crafting-based MMO with a simple look, a lot of depth, and in just a couple of days it’s going to have a new world.
Players are reminded to stash any important items they wish to keep before the reset happens, just to make sure nothing gets demolished in the surge of the reset. It’ll be a big event, considering how even the designers acknowledge that world 10 may have gone on a bit longer than it should have. But that also means that world 11 is the perfect time to catch up, and it’s happening in just a couple of days.
The primary reasons for a world reset are:
- We intend to address long-standing imbalances in the present Food system, which have over time caused severe inflations in character values, but cannot do so with less than a clean wipe of all characters.
- We intend to deploy a buildup of various, minor but invasive changes to core systems relating to things like qualities, credos, hearth magic, &c, which cannot be deployed to a running world without institutionalizing historical imbalances in it.
- We intend to make significant changes to the siege system, due to perceived overcomplexity, which is prudent to do in conjunction with a world reset.
- We intend to improve and iterate on the map generator.
- World resets are fun.
Haven & Hearth - World 11 Trailer